Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Look at our new Web Site.......

For Girl Scouts
For Cub Scouts

Check them out...

Hey We're Back

I am so swamped with daily life I just forgot this blog.... I will start sending them again... Look for more in the future...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

First Aid

This month we are going to our Day camp. We have been learning about camp fires, first aid in fact we made first aid kits. Target has a first aid kit start for $1.00 per kit. We added gloves, more band aids, talked about how to us our bandanna's as a sling, a band aide and a way to wrap a head injury. The best resource for first aid is the Government website on home land security. Check it out......

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Girls camp fallout

WOWWWW... I am so glad its over... I learned allot, What to do and allot what not to do..... First, If you have a boys unit, you need 3 adults there all the time to help with the boys. We kinda messed up and had a few accidents, however the boys had fun... I am very grateful for the leaders we had and they did a great job there was just not enough people to help. The Dasie unit had a great time but we needed to remember they are little and we tried to do things that was to hard for them. So balancing the girls from little girls to big Girls. We also learned that we need to give more instruction to the older girls and the Aides that were helping..... However all in all everyone had a great time. The leaders were tired but kids had fun

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Girls Camp

OK, Bandannas, Pet Rock, Hair Ties, now Necklaces. we used yarn, cut straws, beads, and we made them long enough to swing them. The theme was the 50's. This the the Week of camp so I will let you know how it went. We are doing some tri-its there also so I will report on that...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Girls camp

OK, Bandannas, Hair Ties, now how about Pet Rock... We are going to Sandees in Ogden to get the rocks. They will give you a discount on the rocks for a Scout Project. So THANKS SANDEES..... If you use acrylic or poster paint does best. Use googly eyes,(use glue dots), pom poms, yarn for hair. They turn out really cute.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

girls camp

OK got the Bandannas. Next we are doing Hair ties. Take 3 or more pieces of yarn tie it to a elastic for your hair. Braide it and add a bead every so often. Tie all the yarn together at the bottom and fray the ends. You can see an example on the Oriental Trading Web site.....

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Girls Camp

The week has been a busy week and we have been getting ready for Girl Scout Camp. We are Coloring bandannas with Fabric Pens.. I will give you a Idea a day. The bandannas are black and White with designs on it. It should be fun....

Friday, May 25, 2007

Well, We all had fun.... however the time was alittle early. The rockets were fun. the rockets that didnt have any legs flew faster and higher. So if you make one use little rocket legs...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Cubanapolis 500

OK, the boys are going to play water races, water balloons, and foot racer. They also did some Derby cars out of Boxes. The race goes like this:

Cubanapolis 500
Make Cubmobiles from boxes. Designate a racetrack with straight ways and curves. Include a pit stop for each team.
Drivers wear goggles, or glasses, lace up shoes and socks. The race is run in heats of 3 cars. Each heat consists of 3 laps
and each driver must make one pit stop during the 3 lap race. During the pit stock the pit crew must, clean the windshield
(glasses), change the tires (remove shoes, turn socks inside out and put shoes back on), and refuel the driver (4 ounces of
Kool-Aid through a straw).

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bottle Rocket

Well, here are the web sites to look at.... You can call the Scout Office to see if they have a launcher to rent. However we have a launcher for rent for $20.00 just email us. We have a Pinewood Derby track to rent also for $40.00 so just Email us...


However there are soooooo many sites... Try the NASA SITE, or Google 2 liter bottle rockers.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Boy Scout.

This month for the Boy Scouts we are planing a family picnic. The boys have to plan all the activities. They need to plan what their family wants to eat. The games to play and we are also making 2 liter bottle Rockets. I have some Websites to look at I'll give them next week. We will see what they want to do.

Monday, April 30, 2007


May bring Bugs, Bugs,Bugs and boys. YYYYeeck. I don't like all. O Well. We are doing a bug sucker. You take a clear cup with a lid put tubing on one side and the straw on the other side and hot glue them in. You go out to the yard and Suck Suck bugs........ I am glad its the boys I think if I did this with my Girl Scouts They would not like it.... Well have fun

Sunday, April 22, 2007

April Girl Scouts

For our Girl Scouts, this month we are learning about the ocean and the fish and animals that live there. We gave the girls some gold fish. My daughters died over night so I don't know if it took too long to get them in each aquarium or what. Some of the parents were not to happy with us but it was fun for the girls. We put some construction paper behind the fish tank so they could say they made a habitat. We learned about the food chain and talked about fish. It was fun and everyone had named the fish by the time they left.


This week we learned about our muscles. How they work, how to use them, and played games. We were able to raise the flag on our school flag pole. The kids loveed to do the flag pole it is realy big. I even had fun doing it. We then played a game of frisbee golf. What you do is get several boxes and put them in the yard or in our case we put them in field of the school. You show them how to toss the frisbee to each other. Then we played frisbee golf. We took turns and in the end it didnt matter who won the game. They just love to chase the frisbee. Fun was had by all

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

April Theme

I used the week to catch up all the boys on achievements they had to make up. We played marbles and eraned our belt loop and pin. We learned to tie flies and reported on a folklore story. We learned about the food chain, and more about conservation. This could be a time where you teach them about money and how much things cost. ( electricy, gas, grorseries, ect) This is a time to get to know the Cubs. Have fun

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


So you know I didn't like this theme so we went to the little pond over by my house and cleaned the area for our conservation award. You can have kids clean the school, church, park, anywhere where they would be safe. Make sure you get gloves for each kid and garbage bags that will hold up to glass and such. When we were there we earned our Fishing belt loop and pin. Which bring up you can earn any belt loop and pin any time. Go to the Scout Store and get a book with them in it. The kids loved to fish. We didn't catch anything (living in Utah) but we had allot of fun.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

April Cub Cafe

April Theme is "CUB CAFE". Ok, I have just been asked to start a new Cub Scout troop. This will be the first time anyone has tried to make a troop that is school orentaed. The Boy Scout District is triing to get a comunity troop for each school. They say that only 40 percent of the Cub Scout age (1st to 4th grade) are in a scouting group of any kind. It is a shame that there is so many kids that dont have the opportunity to perticipate in scouting,,,,, SSSoooo if you know of any kids that would like to join a community Boy/Cub Scout group please let the Disrtict know and they will send you information. This theme was not my favorate.... You are to teach how a restruarnt is run. Go to the Supermarket and shop... ect. I didnt like this one so we fininished our conservation award. Tune in next week and I'll tell ya what we did....

Friday, March 30, 2007

March Theme

Ok, the Rain Gage. Take a plastic cylinder, a cd case, a ruler and a permanent marker. Hot glue the plastic cylinder to the cd case. Take the ruler and mark each inch on the outside of the plastic. Have them set the rain gage out in the yard and report on how much water goes in it in a week. The Tornado, take 2, 2 liter bottles and fill one almost to the top with water. Put the other bottle on the top at the opening and take black electrical tape and tape the bottles together. Then have the Cubs turn the bottle over and swirl in a circle to get the water to go around the bottle... Have fun.. Both of the activities are an outside activities...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

March 2

Week 3 brings us talking about the wind. We built a weather vain. Take a block of wood, a feather, a straw and a sewing pin. Take the block of wood and put a nail in it, put the straw over the nail, pin the feather on the straw and watch the feather blow. The kids love this. Next week we will talk about a rain gage, and a tornado.

Monday, March 12, 2007

March week one

I have found a cool wind chime. You will have to do this on the last week. Have each Cub start collecting 2 liter caps, mao jar lids, peanut butter lids you will have to have alot. Get together beads, and string. I will tell you how to put it together on the last week.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

March Theme

Are you ready for March. I cant belive its march alllllllrrready. March is a good time to get your Conservation award. It has the most weather, so learn about clouds, weather terms, have a game outside, or have someone come from the weather station or such.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

You made it.

Ok, you made it though the BLUE AND GOLD BANQUET..... I hope you had fun. We always have allot of fun. One thing I forgot to tell you is make sure each Cub has somekind of award. Like Beads, Arrow points, Rank advancement, belt loops, sport pins, any thing... See ya next month

Friday, February 23, 2007

The Day of the Banquet

On the day of the banquet teach them the Hookie Lau, or Pearly Shells. At the banquet have them bring their parents up and teach them and make them do it infrout of all the other parents there... Its soooooo muuuuccchhh FFFFFUUUUNNN.....

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Blue and Gold Banquet

Now you are ready for the Banquet, except one fun thing. You need to teach them a Flag Ceremony. I had the kids make Drums and had them beat them as the flag came in. The kids that brought the flag came in like Fijian drummers. We had music from Fiji (sound like drums) in the back ground. They had so much fun.

Blue and Gold Banquet 3

Hey Everyone,,,,,
Ok, Place Matt, Centerpiece, Name Place, Napkin Rings, Whats Next?? Something for Mom and Dad. I wanted to make real flower Leis but it is really expensive and out troop doesn't have allot of money. I went to Walmart and asked if they had any left over silk flowers and what they did with them. They always have flowers that people take more of the flower part and leave the stem so they held the ones that was left over and I took them and had the kids make leis for Mom and Dad. Take string, straws, and flowers. String a flower and a cut straw (about 1" to 1/2" long) until it is all strung. Its great to see the cubs welcome their parents to the Banquet.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Blue and Gold Banquet 2

Lets see, Place Mat, Center Piece, Whats Next. Place cards and Napkin rings? Ok this is easy and you may want to have a game ready when they have it all done. Remember, KISMIF. (Keep It Simple, Make It Fun) also, plan more then you think you need. Place cards can be almost anything. Make a origami boat, fish, plane, bird, box or anything. With that in mind, make the napkin rings match the place card. Use the left over cardboard from your toilet paper. Cut it in 1/2" or 1" increments. Good luck.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Blue and Gold Banquet Ideas

Ok, now we have the Place Matt. What next. You should make the table decorations. You have allot of options. You can make a palm tree with newspaper, get grass or raffia, or sand. You can make little chairs, buy little beach balls, get coconuts, make origami flowers and birds and fish, or make tiki masks. We made Tiki masks. You take some cardboard and cut out a tiki shape. Cut out eyes, and a mouth and let the kids decorate it. Tie some Raffia on the top for hair. they turn out really cute and the kids love to play with them.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Looking forward to February

Looking forward to February the Cub Scouts should be getting ready for the "BLUE AND GOLD BANQUET". The is a big deal..... As the Den leader you need to make the decorations for your table. The first week you need to make place mats. The Theme is "ALOHA CUB SCOUTS". This should be one of the easiest months you will have. This week the Idea for you is...... the place mat. Take a large green piece of constructions paper ( you can get at the Utah Idaho store) They need to learn about a flag in the United States so what I did is copy the flag of Hawaii (you can get it on the Hawaii web page) had them color in the stripes blue and red and place on the construction paper. We then cut the edges of the construction paper and curled it up to make it look like grass. So good luck!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

January theme for Pack Meeting

Hi, This is the first Blog I have done so please be patient...... I Love to do scouts and I have been doing Cub Scouts for about 14years. To see the kids loving the activities I do is so rewarding. I have had every Cub Scout in my troop go on to Eagle Scout and go on an LDS Mission. They have invited me to the Eagle Ceremony and had something to honor me with. I cry every time!!!! The year I have decided to help the Ladies in my daughters Girl Scout Troop. Ya I know, the word is NO,,,, but I just cant say it when it comes to my kids... She loves being in Girl Scouts. I was never one to be in Girl Scouts so this is my chance to live through my kids. So enough for my life you want to have help with a theme for your scouts. So here goes. January is "POLES APART". We learned about Global Warming. The Video by the Vice President and the website is a really good resource for you. In the coming Blogs I will have more stuff.. so keep coming back.